Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hmm.. ok i think i might be joining kat and farah for tution this week...have waited so long...even my dad have also gotten anxious...keep saying not much time left..ahhh... seriously is the world moving at a faster pace than before??? as in time slips pass way too fast!!! ahhh...


paws of heavensparx @ 3:24 AM

Saturday, March 17, 2007

hmm..maybe its time for me to join kat and farah for economics tution... first step to starting the engine...ahhh... inertia... need to take off!!!


paws of heavensparx @ 10:21 PM

This is totally depressing... great times always whizzes pass.....ahh why is time moving at such a rapid rate!!!! argh... i havent even done anything productive and its the last day of march holidays... sob... seriously need to repent, reflect, and do something about it... so depressing... i am so not ready for examinations!!!! yeah and need to find tution.... sob.... argh... now have two essays to write one literature and one general paper essay...ahhhh.... need to be more focus in studies!!! ITS A MUST!!! JIAYOU!!!


paws of heavensparx @ 10:10 PM